Senior Master Trainer
for the Nordic Region
Executive Coach & Advisor

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Morten Røvik er en erfaren rådgiver og coach. Han har rådgitt og coachet nærmere 200 ledere på alle nivåer og gitt råd om hvordan de kan hente maksimalt ut av sitt potensiale.

Blant Mortens kunder finner du noen av Norges fremste ledere og mediepersoner i tillegg til flere utenlandske ledere.
Les hva noen av disse har skrevet om Morten.

Han er lidenskapelig opptatt av personlig produktivitet og Getting Things Done® (GTD). 

Sammen med Lars Rothschild Henriksen lager han podcast om Getting Things Done® (GTD)

Han er den eneste sertifiserte GTD Master Trainer i Norden, og er vår mest erfarne GTD Workflow Coach. Han har brukt Getting Things Done siden 2006 og har undervist siden 2009. Morten har hatt fast spalte i Aftenposten siden 2013 hvor han skriver om produktivitet som en del av Aftenpostens ekspertpanel på jobb, karriere, jus og arbeidsliv.

Ring Morten nå for en uforpliktende samtale:+4741021521
Sjekk Mortens ledige tidspunkt for et uforpliktende møte om dine behov.


97% av kursdeltakere som vil anbefale kursene mine til andre!
99% vil anbefale meg som kursholdere til andre!

I have taken a number of professional development courses over the years and Morten was by far the best instructor/coach that I have ever had the pleasure to work with.

– CEO/Owner of a Fortune 5000 Company in USA

Would you recommend this coach:  Strongly agree – Outstanding value.

This was surprisingly good and exceeded my expectations. It was all very good – Morten is a very good coach.

– Managing Partner

In a large Legal Firm
Would you recommend this coach:  Strongly agree – Outstanding value.

Very happy with the sessions I have had, which has helped me focus on the right things and reduce stress in a busy job.
-Vice President Lead Legal Counsel
 in a Multinational Corporation
Would you recommend this coach:  Strongly agree – Outstanding value.

A very good two days adding value and perspective
– Executive Vice President 
in a Multinational Corporation
Would you recommend this coach:  Strongly agree – Outstanding value.

Very professional. Role model in what he is coaching.
– Executive Vice President 
in a Multinational Corporation
Would you recommend this coach:  Strongly agree – Outstanding value.

Very positive coach – likable.
– CEO & President in a Multinational Corporation
Would you recommend this coach:  Strongly agree – Outstanding value.

A very good and a technically strong coach.
– Executive Vice President and CFO
 in a Multinational Corporation
Would you recommend this coach:  Strongly agree – Outstanding value.

Strongly inspiring senior coach.
– Executive Assistant
 in a Multinational Corporation
Would you recommend this coach:  Strongly agree – Outstanding value.

He did a fantastic job in in explaining the steps with clear examples.
– CEO Assistant in a Multinational Corporation
Would you recommend this coach:  Strongly agree – Outstanding value.

My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner. It would have saved me from a lot of pain, but the future is bright.
– Marketing Manager in a Multinational Corporation
Would you recommend this coach:  Strongly agree – Outstanding value.


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Morten Røvik
Morten Røvik
Senior Master Trainer
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