Getting Things Done® (GTD) Coaching programs

Choose a coaching program from the options below. All programs are available in English and Norwegian and in a physical or virtual format. All our coaches are certified by David Allen Academy to ensure you receive the highest possible value.

Meet our coaches: Senior GTD Coach Morten Røvik – Junior GTD Coach Karl Ivar Refseth

GTD® Executive Coaching

Premium coaching by a senior coach with at least 10 years of executive coaching experience. The coach helps you achieve the level of overview and control you need to make sure you get the right things done.

When you want the very best we can offer

16 hours of coaching, delivered either as two consecutive days in-person, or as 16 weeks x 1hr virtual sessions
Cost: 60 000 NOK
Get in touch here

GTD® Workflow Coaching

For you who want to perform better. A highly skilled GTD Workflow Coach will enable you to climb the corporate ladder with confidence and control.

When you want to perform better in life and work

8 hours of coaching, delivered either as a full day in-person, or as 8 weeks x 1hr virtual sessions.
Cost: From 30 000 NOK, depending on coach seniority.
Get in touch here

GTD® Follow-up Coaching

For you who already know and practice some GTD. A highly skilled GTD Workflow coach helps you hone your skills and get back in the driver's seat.

When you have had a taste of GTD and want more.

Put together an individual learning path together with your coach. Normally requires between 5 to 12 hours of coaching.
Cost: From 3 750 NOK per hour, depending on coach seniority.
Get in touch here

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og book et møte direkte med Morten Røvik.
Morten Røvik
Morten Røvik
Senior Master Trainer
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