
118. GTD Tools Check-In 2024
It’s that time of year again!
No, Christmas is not yet here – it’s time for Morten and Lars to review their GTD setups! Listen to this episode to learn more about:
– Which physical devices they use today
– Which hardware devices they use today
– Which software they use today and why they use it
..and much more! We hope that this episode helps, or inspires you, in your GTD practice.

117. The Real Value Of The Projects List In GTD
What is the real value of a Projects list in GTD?
Morten and Lars talk about GTD all the time, but this time it’s based on someone else’s notes! You’ll hear more about why this is the case in this episode, including why it helps with:
– Maintaining focus on the right things
– Avoiding overwhelm
– Improves relationships
..and much more! We hope that this episode helps you and again, a big thank you to Gregory for providing us with this! If you a question that you’d like us to pick up, be sure to send it to us at podcast@vitallearning.dk.

114. Team – Getting Things Done With Others
How can you use Getting Things Done® (GTD) with others?
In this interview episode, Lars talks to authors of the new book “Team – Getting Things Done with Others” David Allen and Ed Lamont, where we learn:
– How the book came to be
– What the principles outlined in the Team book are
– Some practical tips for YOU to try out in your teams
..and much more! Thank you so much to Ed and David for taking the time to join us. We hope that this episode helps you in your GTD practice and if you a question that you’d like us to pick up, be sure to send it to us at podcast@vitallearning.dk!

113. New Microsoft Planner With Stefan Pilo
What is Microsoft Planner and how could I use it as part of my GTD practice?
In this episode, Lars talks to Stefan Pilo from Microsoft in Sweden who shares what’s happening with the new Planner:
– What is the basic functionality in Planner
– How can you use the new Planner for your personal GTD practice
– How can you use the new Planner in collaboration with others
..and much more! Thank you so much to Stefan for taking the time to join us. We hope that this episode helps you in your GTD practice and if you a question that you’d like us to pick up, be sure to send it to us at podcast@vitallearning.dk!

112. A Sustainable GTD System
My inbox is overflowing! How do I create a sustainable GTD system?
In this episode, Morten and Lars go through a listeners’ reflections on using GTD to create a sustainable life:
– How you can get started on that big backlog
– The different causes of that backlog
– How the different steps may cause challenges
..and much more! We hope that this episode helps you in your GTD practice and if you a question that you’d like us to pick up, be sure to send it to us at podcast@vitallearning.dk!

111. Direction, not perfection: How to reflect better
Reflecting is so important! How can you become better?
In this episode, Morten and Lars go through:
– How you can use the Horizons of Focus to reflect
– How the Weekly Review helps with reflecting
– How Morten supports his coaching client with follow-ups
..and much more, including a few reflecting questions at the end, that you might want to incorporate in your Weekly Review? We hope that this episode helps you in your GTD practice and if you a question that you’d like us to pick up, be sure to send it to us at podcast@vitallearning.dk!

110. Other Vital Skills: Crucial Influence & Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue
It’s not just about GTD today!
We normally talk about GTD, but recently a listener asked about the other vital skills we teach. So in this episode, Morten and Lars go through:
– How GTD intersects with Crucial Conversations
– What you learn in Crucial Conversations
– What you learn in Crucial Influence
..and much more, including Lars’ suggestion to use NPM with Six Sources and soon the Team-book! We hope that this helps you to get a better understanding of these methodologies and hopefully inspire you to learn more. And if you have a question, about GTD or otherwise, be sure to send it to us at podcast@vitallearning.dk!

109. Listener Questions #16: Hybrid capturing, GTD habits and an attractive Someday/Maybe list?
t’s time for another listener questions episode!
In this episode, Morten and Lars go through three questions on
– Using the Rocketbook (or reMarkable or others) for Capturing
– Tips for implementing GTD as a habit
– Making your Someday/Maybe list attractive
..and much more! We hope that this helps you, Christian, Griet and Kim, and everyone else listening and watching. If you have a question, be sure to send it to us at podcast@vitallearning.dk!

108. I Have Too Much To Do!
What do you do, when you have too much to do?
In this episode, Morten and Lars go through what they would do, when you have too much to do. The case is Lars’ very own work right now: Balancing becoming a father, part time paternity leave with a lot of work showing up. What do you do?
– Revisiting your calendar to ensure that the right things are taking up space in your calendar
– Revisiting your higher horizons to help you work on the right things and parking the rest
– Reworking your lists to ensure that the system supports you with this
..and much more! We hope that this helps you, when you have too much to do.

107. Travelling with Getting Things Done® (GTD)
How do you use GTD when travelling?
In this episode, Morten and Lars go through what they use from GTD before, during and after vacations including:
– Using the Natural Planning Model® to plan your trip
– How they use/manage their packing lists
– What apps Morten uses for his trips
..and much more! We hope that this helps you plan your next trip and if you have any questions for us, you can reach us at podcast@vitallearning.dk