
44. 46 productive minutes – interview with Justin Hale from Vitalsmarts
You have just 1 minute to get more productive? Then meet Justin Hale!

43. Transitioning from music manager to entrepreneur – interview with Michael Vitten Carlsson
What does a transition from one business to another look like for a GTD?
As a manager for musicians in Denmark, Michael Vitten Carlsson’s business was hit hard by Covid-19. With shows being cancelled and no clear end in sight, a shorter and shorter projects list put him in a tough spot – where do I go from here?

42. Procrastination for GTD’ers
GTD’ers never procrastinate! Or do they..?
Perhaps you even procrastinate on parts of GTD?

41. GTD tips for Students with Espen Agøy Hegge
As a student, GTD is extremely valuable for staying on top of your world. What are some good tips for GTD students?

40. Using GTD as a restaurant owner – interview with Allan Thallaug
How do you manage multiple restaurants and 60+ employees using GTD?
In this episode you’ll hear how restaurant owner Allan Thallaug came across GTD and details about
– What tools they use to manage the business
– How they have established and use higher horizons for the company
– How he steers employees towards using the appropriate communications channels
..and much more!

39. Getting your morning routines on cruise control with GTD
Why should you have a morning routine? And what could a GTD’ers morning routine look like?

Vi lanserer gratis LIVE GTD Coaching Café!
De to mest kjente GTD-coachene i Norden Lars Rothschild Henriksen og Morten Røvik har bestemt seg for å hjelpe deg gratis. Du kan få coaching omkring dine utfordringer og forhåpentligvis komme videre på din vei til å mestre GTD. Send inn dine spørsmål i kommentarfeltet under sendingen. Det kan være at vi inviterer deg inn

38. Why I didn’t quit GTD with Jukka Backman
Why haven’t you quit GTD?
That topic recently came up in a conversation with Jukka Backman, partner and managing director for GTD in Finland. Triggered by the article in The New Yorker titled “The rise and fall of Getting Things Done”, we wanted to share some thoughts on this and similar articles in this episode.

37. New Years Resolutions with GTD®
How do New Years Resolutions play into a GTD system?
In this episode you will hear Morten and Lars’ takes on:
– How these might look in a GTD system
– How micro habits can help you establish new habits and help you achieve your goals
– How to establish the Weekly Review as a solid base for your GTD practice in 2021

Video: Nordic Virtual GTD Meetup #6 med David Allen
Vi rundet av 2020, et år med mange onlinemøter, med en fellesnordisk virtuell meetup med opphavsmannen til Getting Things Done, David Allen, som gjest. I denne Meetupen var 70 nordiske GTDere og GTD® Trainers fra hele GTDnordic samlet til nok et dypdykk i GTD-verdenen. GTD-forfatter David Allen var æresgjest, og vi var innom et bredt