
Morten Røvik

Vi lanserer gratis LIVE GTD Coaching Café!

De to mest kjente GTD-coachene i Norden Lars Rothschild Henriksen og Morten Røvik har bestemt seg for å hjelpe deg gratis. Du kan få coaching omkring dine utfordringer og forhåpentligvis komme videre på din vei til å mestre GTD. Send inn dine spørsmål i kommentarfeltet under sendingen. Det kan være at vi inviterer deg inn

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Morten Røvik

38. Why I didn’t quit GTD with Jukka Backman

Why haven’t you quit GTD?

That topic recently came up in a conversation with Jukka Backman, partner and managing director for GTD in Finland. Triggered by the article in The New Yorker titled “The rise and fall of Getting Things Done”, we wanted to share some thoughts on this and similar articles in this episode.

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Morten Røvik

37. New Years Resolutions with GTD®

How do New Years Resolutions play into a GTD system?

In this episode you will hear Morten and Lars’ takes on:
– How these might look in a GTD system
– How micro habits can help you establish new habits and help you achieve your goals
– How to establish the Weekly Review as a solid base for your GTD practice in 2021

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Participants nordic virtual meetup #6
Espen Agøy Hegge

Video: Nordic Virtual GTD Meetup #6 med David Allen

Vi rundet av 2020, et år med mange onlinemøter, med en fellesnordisk virtuell meetup med opphavsmannen til Getting Things Done, David Allen, som gjest. I denne Meetupen var 70 nordiske GTDere og GTD® Trainers fra hele GTDnordic samlet til nok et dypdykk i GTD-verdenen. GTD-forfatter David Allen var æresgjest, og vi var innom et bredt

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Morten Røvik

36. Living in a digital world: Interview with Imran Rashid

n this last episode of 2020, we’ll shift our GTD focus slightly (just for an episode) and zoom in on how we live our digital lives. This episode features an interview with with Imran Rashid, Danish doctor, entrepreneur and author, to get a doctor’s perspective on what to be aware of in today’s digital world.

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Morten Røvik

Litt hjelp på GTD-veien

Trenger du litt hjelp med å komme videre på GTD-veien? Alle som begynner å bruke Getting Things Done, meg selv inkludert, vil støte på problemer og spørsmål underveis. Problemer og spørsmål som vi ikke klarer å løse på egenhånd, hvor vi trenger hjelp og råd fra andre. Eks: Er det viktig at du skiller mellom

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Morten Røvik

35. Preparing for Christmas with GTD®

Christmas is approaching, how could you use GTD in your own Christmas (or other holiday) preparations?

Listen to this episode to hear more about:
– How you can use checklist in your Christmas preparations
– Which projects you might set up in preparation for Christmas
– How you might do different Weekly Reviews, both as we approach Christmas and perhaps in the holiday period

and much more!

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Morten Røvik

33. Getting Things Wrong®

What are the most common mistakes that self-taught GTD’ers do?

Listen to this episode to hear Morten and Lars go through some of the most common mistakes, such as:
– Due date overdose
– Colour-coding everything
– Leaving things unclarified
– Having an incomplete projects list

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Morten Røvik
Morten Røvik
Senior Master Trainer
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