
Morten Røvik

102. Choosing Your GTD Tool

What tool should I use for my lists in GTD?
To learn more about that, Morten and Lars walks through some of the most commonly used tools:
– Microsoft Outlook/To Do
– Apple Reminders
– Google Tasks/Keep
..and many more! It’s a long list and we don’t know all of them in detail, so we’re looking forward to your comments on YouTube on what we’ve missed.

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Morten Røvik

101. Holacracy and Getting Things Done – An Interview With Brian Robertson

GTD is about personal productivity – what about organisations?
To learn more about that, we are joined by Holacracy author Brian Robertson on today’s episode! Listen to learn more about:
– What Holacracy is (and isn’t), also from a GTD’ers perspective
– What advantages would you have as a GTD’er starting with Holacracy
– Concrete tips for what you can try out in your teams, such as tactical meetings
..and much more! It’s a fun and inspiring episode, we hope you enjoy it.

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ep98 Tools check-in 2023
Morten Røvik

100. It’s episode 100! 🥳

For once, the purpose of an episode is NOT to help you learn GTD or become a better GTD’er :-)
This is our 100th episode! So the purpose of this podcast is the “companionship”, as described by a listener – to reflect back on the first 100, a quick quiz and to share the FANTASTIC listener texts, audio and video clips that you sent in!
Thank you so much for all the congratulations, thanks for the spending the time with us and we look forward to the next 100(0) 🙏🏻

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ep98 Tools check-in 2023
Morten Røvik

98. GTD Tools Check-In 2023: A lot of Apple

It’s that time of year!
It’s time for the GTD Tools Check-in for 2023. In this episode, Morten and Lars go through all of their hardware and software uses including:
– Their hardware at the office and on the go (spoiler: It’s almost all fruit labelled)
– Their different software uses, including where they differ
– A lot of tips from Morten on helpful mini-app’s
..and much more!

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95 Long Term Planning
Getting Things Done
Morten Røvik

Planlegg den fremtiden du vil ha

Langsiktig planlegging er mer enn bare lister og mål; det handler om å designe ditt eget liv. I podcastepisode 95, ‘Long term planning’, deler Morten Røvik og Lars Rotschild Henriksen innsikt om hvordan man kan forme sin egen fremtid for å oppnå drømmene. Lær om viktigheten av å kjenne dine kjerneverdier, forstå hvorfor bak planene dine, og prioritere å ha det gøy mens du legger strategier for langvarig suksess. Planlegg for en ønsket fremtid, nyt nåtiden og sørg for kontinuerlig forbedring. Vil du ha dyptgående råd og praktiske tips for smartere tidsbruk? Oppdag mer med vårt kurs ‘Getting Things Done’

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Morten Røvik

97. An interview With Darude: DJ, Musician and GTD’er

It’s time for another interview episode!
In this episode Jukka and Morten interview DJ and musician Darude.
As always, we hope that this episode helps you in your GTD practice and thanks so much to Darude for sharing about his GTD practise and creative processes.

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Morten Røvik

96. Listener Questions 14: Alternatives to contexts, analogue systems and projects lists without AOF

It’s time for another listener questions episode!
In this episode, Morten and Lars go through questions from Alex, Jukka and Ivan covering topics such as:
– Alternatives to using the classic contexts in GTD
– Their experience with completely analogue GTD systems
– How a simplified projects structure might look like
..and much more! As always, we hope that this episode helps you in your GTD practice and thanks so much to Alex, Jukka and Ivan for their questions. If you have a question, be sure to let us know at podcast@vitallearning.dk!

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Morten Røvik
Morten Røvik - Senior Master Trainer
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