
Pressemelding: produktivNorge bytter navn til Vital Learning
produktivNorge bytter navn til Vital Learning i oktober 2022. Samtidig gjør vi oss klare for å tilby flere kurs og enda mer coaching. – Vi har fått en helt ny mulighet, sier styreleder i Vital Learning, Morten Røvik. produktivNorge nærmer seg 10-årsjubileum, og nå utvider vi kursporteføljen vår med fire nye kurs. Skandinavisk partner Siden

Du kan redusere faren for utbrenthet
Er det sånn at utbrentheten kureres med en langhelg på hytta? Nei, men GTD forebygger mot utbrenthet og det hjelper deg som er utbrent å komme deg raskere på bena. Denne artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i podcastepisode 49: How to reduce burnout. Du kan høre hele episoden her. Halvparten av oss er så stresset at vi

74. OKR And GTD with Jørn Arild Andenæs
n this episode Morten interviews Jørn Arild Andenæs from GEODATA in Norway.
Jørn Arild has been working in the intersection of Getting Things Done® (GTD) and Objectives & Key Results (OKR) and her shares his insights. Who better to shed some light on this interesting subject?
Jørn Arild is also the lead of the largest GTD Meetup.com group in the world. Nearing 1000 members the group offers a free community for learning from peers in Norwegian: The Oslo GTD Gathering: https://www.meetup.com/oslo-gtd-gathering/

Hvordan lykkes på hjemmekontoret
Med dagens hybride måter å jobbe på, kreves ny kunnskap: Hva er beste praksis for å lykkes på hjemmekontoret? Vi deler nyttige råd fra GTD-verktøykassen. Denne artikkelen er basert på episode 61 av podcasten Getting Things Done. Hele episoden finner du her. GTD-prinsippene fungerer like godt om du klokker inn kontortimene dine fra hytta,

Slik takler du bekymringer
Overveldet av bekymringer? Slik blir hverdagen din litt lettere. Alle mennesker bekymrer seg. Men er det en bedre måte å bekymre seg på? Hvordan kan vi holde bekymringene våre på et håndterlig nivå? Eller kanskje til og med kvitte oss med dem? Det er alltids noe å uroe seg for. Krig, klima, helse, økonomi eller

73. Managing Complex Projects
Do you have an example of a using GTD in more complex projects?
This episode is officially a listener questions episode, but the primary conversation dives into the launch of Vital Learning! The new company in the Nordics offering not only GTD but also other great Crucial Learning properties, which we really look forward to.

72. Back From Vacation
We’re back from vacation!
And in this episode, Morten and Lars recap their vacations from a GTD perspective, including
– How did it go with “The full Lars”, i.e. staying offline from email (hint: Not as planned)
– How did they use GTD during their vacations
– What do they do to get back up to full speed after their breaks
..and much more! We’re happy to be back after the summer break and hope our reflections help your future breaks.

71. GTD And Your Summer Holiday
How do you set yourself up for a great vacation?
In this listener episode, Morten and Lars walk you through how they prepare and engage with the GTD system in relation to vacations. They’ll cover topics before and during the vacation, such as:
– Strategies for calendar management
– Tips for setting Out of Office-mails
– Their differences in email handling during the vacation

70. A Full Inbox, Finding Next Actions And Planning Projects – Listener Questions
How do you find your way through that full inbox?
In this listener questions episode, Morten and Lars picks up 3 listener questions:
– How to do the “”heroic action”” of getting to an empty inbox
– When is the right time to define your new next action?
– Is it always sufficient to just find a project and a next action?

69. Managing Recurring Projects
How do you manage recurring projects?
In this episode, Morten and Lars will walk you through:
– How Areas of Focus might be mixed up with recurring projects
– How you go about building checklists for recurring projects
– How they both use checklists for recurring projects in their systems, Apple Notes/Omnifocus and Todoist/OneNote
..and much more! You may want to watch this one (YouTube links below) as Morten shows his approach.