Evernote for Mac og Window Setup Guide PDF


Our best-practices guide for implementing GTD® with Evernote® for the Windows® or Mac® Desktop. 29 pages.

This Guide will show you how to:
– Understand the fundamental GTD best practices
– Optimally configure Evernote in the way we have found works best for GTD
– Integrate your actionable email
– Create project and next actions lists in Evernote Notebooks
– Create useful reference lists in Notebooks
– Use tags creatively
– Understand the benefit of using Notes versus the Tasks functionality
… and much more!

Denne PDFen og innholdet er beskyttet av lov om opphavsrett. Det betyr at du kjøper en personlig kopi som ikke skal spres aktivt eller passivt til andre.

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– Another fantastic guide. I’d been struggling to set up Evernote, but now I have a clear path forward!”

– I think you’ve picked a really solid implementation that is not overly complicated and will meet most needs.

– The Guide is FABULOUS!!

– Overall, the Guide is great. It’s clear, concise, and easy to read.

– The Setup Guide has already changed some of the ways I look at and use Evernote for GTD.

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Morten Røvik
Senior Master Trainer
Evernote-for-Mac-and-WindowsEvernote for Mac og Window Setup Guide PDF
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