11. Capture Tools in GTD

The topic of this episode is a question from one of our listeners: What tools to use for capturing while driving/running?

That turned into a whole episode about capture tools – what tools do you find in Morten and Lars’ tool belts? And what should you keep in mind about those tools? Hopefully this episode will help you get the right tools for the right tasks.

What questions do you have about GTD? Send us an email at podcast@gtdnordic.dk and it may be the topic of a future episode!

Tools referenced in this episode

Rocketbook: https://getrocketbook.com

Remarkable: https://remarkable.com

Livescribe: https://www.livescribe.com/site/

Evernote: https://evernote.com/

The Capture Wallet: https://gtdshop.com

Braintoss: https://braintoss.com

Say&Go: http://sayngo.dafterapps.com

As always, if you have any feedback we’d love to hear from you via podcast@gtdnordic.dk, you can learn more about GTD in the Nordics at https://GTDnordic.com and find cool GTD gear at https://GTDshop.com.

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