29. GTD and Creativity with Karl Ivar Refseth

What does it look like when creative people use GTD to become even more creative and get more done?

Listen to this episode with Karl Ivar Refseth, musician and Norwegian-German GTD® Trainer, where he explains how he uses GTD as a musician to get a clear mind and stay present in-concert.

If you want to connect with Karl Ivar, you can find him here:

On social media: https://www.facebook.com/karl.refseth

Links to some of his very cool musical projects:

Karl Ivar Refseth Solo: https://vimeo.com/265220727

The Notwist: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=570758060292891&ref=watch_permalink

Seminar “Beat like Stomp!” -Learning kids how fun and simple it can be to create music:  https://youtu.be/oxcg6FqH4Uc

And as always, if you have any feedback we’d love to hear from you via podcast@gtdnordic.dk, you can learn more about GTD in the Nordics at https://GTDnordic.com and find cool GTD gear at https://GTDshop.com.

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Morten Røvik
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