21. How to approach the Corona virus as a GTD’er

The Corona virus impacts everyone around the world – how does a GTD’er deal with such turbulent times?

In this episode, Morten and Lars walk you through steps to take from a GTD perspective, to handle such life changing events. This includes

– Reviewing your Horizons of Focus

– Reviewing and parking what you can and review your Someday/Maybe list, possibly renegotiate as needed with stakeholders

– Do a Mindsweep for what has your attention

..and more.

We hope that you will really benefit from this episode and if you do, we’d love to hear from you via podcast@gtdnordic.dk.

And as always, you can learn more about GTD in the Nordics at https://GTDnordic.com and find cool GTD gear at https://GTDshop.com.

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Morten Røvik
Morten Røvik
Senior Master Trainer
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