
53. Horizons of Focus for Companies
Horizons of Focus.. for Companies?
In previous episodes, we’ve often touched on Horizons of Focus and how they help you be more productive. But what about your company?

52. Listener questions #6: What is a project & how to make time to learn GTD
“I know GTD will help me, but I don’t have the time to set it up – what do I do?”

51. Renewing Your GTD Practices After The Pandemic
Do you need to review your GTD practices post-pandemic?
As parts of the world are returning to more normal working conditions, your GTD system might need a tune-up to follow along! Listen to this episode to hear Morten and Lars’ takes on:
– How your projects list might need to be revisited
– How your lists of next actions could be impacted
– Handing on to good practices that you picked up while working from home

50. GTD and Vacations
How do you use GTD when on vacation? Or after? ..or.. at all?
Listen to this episode to learn more about how Morten & Lars use GTD when on vacation:
– Which parts of GTD they use?
– Do they still do their weekly reviews?
– What about after your vacation – how do you get back up and running?

49. How GTD can help reduce burnout
It’s the last episode before our summer break and this is a special one!
This episode contains a longer interview recorded for GTD Connect® members. In this episode, you will hear from Getting Things Done® (GTD) author David Allen and three trainers from our global network, to discuss how GTD can help to reduce burnout.

48. GTD for Hobbies and Housework
“This is just for managing stuff at work” is a common thought when first coming across GTD. But the practices are just as applicable for everything else going on in your life, including hobbies and chores!

47. The life of a commitment
“Are there any Youtube videos/articles that provide a complete example for a tiny project?” was a question Lars struggled to answer on Reddit. So we decided to make an episode of it!

Tenk som en pilot – Lær mest mulig av dine feil
Denne artikkelen er inspirert av følgende artikkel i The Muse: Thinking Like a Pilot Can Help You Bounce Back From Any Mistake – Here’s How Både som jagerpilot og i mange andre yrker og roller hvor både innsatsen og stressfaktoren er høy, så legges det stor vekt på å være bevisst på de feilene som

46. Horrible GTD Systems
What does a horrible GTD system look like? Does that actually even exist?
From either a misunderstanding of the GTD best practices, or perhaps just a step on your GTD journey you haven’t yet reached, Morten and Lars have come across many different “horrible” systems, such as:

45. Listener Questions: GTD and Fitness Goals
How could you use GTD to achieve your fitness goals?
Listener Thomas Novak wrote to us recently asking about just this, which is a great topic and timely for those who might have experienced some pandemic weight gains.