
27. Using GTD as a leadership advisor with Birgitte Alstrøm
In this episode Lars talks GTD with Birgitte Alstrøm, Leadership Consultant at Lederne. Birgitte is a long time GTD’er and she shares how she currently uses GTD, how she came across it, some great tips for you to try out and much more.

26. GTD Half Year Review & thank you for the first year
How you can do a half-year review as a GTD’er + Happy Birthday to this podcast!

25. GTD for teachers
How can a teacher use GTD in their everyday lives? And what does a teachers’ day really look like?

24. Using Affirmations as a GTD’er
What are affirmations, what are the benefits and how can you use them as a GTD’er?
In this episode, you’ll hear Morten and Lars’ perspectives on affirmations and learn how to use them yourself. You’ll get a lot of ideas for how to craft your own and also the different ways you can implement using them.

23. What it’s like to be a GTD Trainer?
What’s it like to be a GTD® Trainer? How do you become one?
In this episode, Morten and Lars will walk you through the steps in becoming a GTD Trainer, if you had ever thought about what that might look like. You’ll also be invited to join our upcoming Nordic Virtual GTD Meetup with Coaches and we also want to hear YOUR stories!

22. How to evaluate your own GTD practice
How good are you at doing GTD? Where are your biggest areas of improvement?
In this episode, Morten and Lars share two different tools that will help you assess your own GTD practice.
– The GTD-Q test
– The GTD® Practicioner Competency Self Assessment

21. How to approach the Corona virus as a GTD’er
The Corona virus impacts everyone around the world – how does a GTD’er deal with such turbulent times?

Hvordan studere effektivt i disse Koronatider?
Denne artikkelen stod først på trykk i Aftenposten, og ligger også ute på deres nettsider. I disse tider hvor alle skoler og universitet er stengt så gjelder det mer enn noen gang å studere strukturert og effektivt. Men hvordan kan du studere effektivt når du bare skal studere hjemmefra? Slik jeg ser det så

20. Listener questions: Getting email to Zero with GTD, Time blocking
It’s time for listener questions!
In this episode, we cover questions on time blocking and email management. Should you block time for your work and when could you do that? How do you process emails most effectively? How should you organize your emails? And what are some good tips to know?

19. A very special interview with GTD author David Allen
In this episode Morten talks to David Allen, originator of GTD! A fun and quite different episode, where we decided to aim for questions that David HADN’T been asked before – such as…