
92. Listener questions #13: How can GTD help with ADHD, alcoholism
It’s time for another Listener Questions episode, this time with with questions on:
– Morten & Lars’ experiences on how GTD can help people diagnosed with ADHD
– How GTD might help with addictions such as alcoholism

Hvordan motvirke utbrenthet hos ansatte
Det er mulig å redusere antallet tilfeller av alvorlig burnout – og dermed holde både produksjonsflyten og humøret oppe i organisasjonen. Denne artikkelen gir deg noen tips og råd til hvordan du kan motvirke utbrenthet hos ansatte. Artikkelen er basert på episode 49 og 55 av podcasten vår. Hør gjerne episodene i sin helhet hvis

91. Interview With Martin Haagen
Morten has interviewed Martin Haagen. Martin is GTD trainer and coach in Sweden and a father, husbond and an explorer of the Wilds.
And he has worked for years as a Saleforce consultant. He talks about his journey with GTD and the benefits he feels GTD gives him. We talk about GTD and Saleforce and his idea for an integration of GTD in Salesforce.

Hvordan bruke AI sammen med GTD
Kunstig intelligens (AI) er nå tilgjengelig for daglig bruk på jobb. Hvordan bruke det i sammenheng med GTD, og hvordan kan AI forandre måten vi forholder oss til beslutningstaking og daglig arbeid? Denne artikkelen er basert på vår podcastepisode 88 om GTD og AI. Den finner du her. Metodikken Getting Things Done (GTD) har hjulpet

Ta den avgjørende samtalen med den vanskelige kollegaen
Vi har vel alle støtt på mennesker i arbeidslivet som vi har synes har vært vanskelige å forholde oss til eller bare rett og slett har gjort ting som har irritert oss. Om vi ikke tar disse samtalene med en gang noe inntreffer så kan de få vokse og bli til et mønster som er vanskeligere å bryte.

89. Reference Systems In Getting Things Done
How do you use reference systems in GTD?
Listen to this episode to learn more about referencing anything with GTD, including:
– What are the items that should be referenced
– The different systems that you might need for digital and physical reference
– Morten and Lars’ slightly (?) different approaches to digital reference
..and much more! Thanks to Hauke from Germany for reminding us to do an episode solely about this topic.

88. GTD & AI
How will AI impact your Getting Things Done® (GTD) practice?
Listen to this episode to learn more about what Morten, Lars and our special guest Paul Vahur from Vital Learning in Estonia think about GTD and AI, including:
– How do they currently see AI perhaps helping in your GTD practice
– Where AI still doesn’t help
– What they hope to see in future AI when it comes to GTD
..and much more!

87. Apple Reminders As Your GTD System
What does Apple Reminders look like as a GTD system?
And how does it feel for someone moving from either Omnifocus or Todoist? Listen to this episode to learn more about how Morten and Lars have migrated/are migrating from those platforms into Reminders, including:
– What lists they each use in Reminders
– What their pro’s and con’s are for switching
– How #hashtags can be used in a Weekly Review
..and much more!

86. Designing The Ideal GTD Workplace
How do you design the ideal GTD workspace?
Listen to this episode to learn more about how Morten and Lars would approach designing such a workspace, including:
– Ingredients in a GTD workspace when you work in an office with free seating
– The components of Morten and Lars’ own desks
– Archiving when multiple people use the archive
..and much more!

85. How Good A GTDer Are You?
How good a GTD’er are you?
Or more interestingly, where might you be able to up your GTD game?
Listen to this episode, where Morten and Lars walk you through one of the GTD Practitioner evaluations used in coaching and GTD Level 2 seminars. Reflect on your experience using the five I’s with statements such as:
– Regular Weekly Reviews
– Regularly recalibrate project inventory
– Ability to navigate change
..and much more! This one’s for all you seasoned GTD’ers out there :-)